Great job running the hills on Monday! We ran one of the more challenging sections of the 1/2 marathon course, and still pushed ourselves on the striders. I can feel my quad muscles today. Saturday we're scheduled to run 6.5 miles, so I suggest trying to run 3-5 miles on a trail on Wed or Thurs. Nichole provided us some additional Monday workouts, as well as an adjusted 5K schedule. See below - as always, your feedback is welcome and appreciated.
Good luck to those of you running 5Ks, competing in triathlons, and biking this weekend.
Have a fun run on Saturday and we'll see you at the Wirth Beach House on Monday, July 27th.
Additional Monday options:Monday July 27th: 1.5 mi warm up, 4x90 seconds hard (preferably some uphill), 3-4 minute recovery after each. Then 1.5 mi cool down.
Monday August 10th: 1 mi warm up. Then 2x8 minutes tempo run on trails. 1 mi cool down. (About 4-5 miles total)
Monday August 24th: 1 mi warm up, 4 x 45 seconds uphill repeats, 6 x 45 downhill repeats (or fewer if this is too much), 1 mi cool down. Emphasis here is learning how to run downhill FAST.
5K group options:
Saturday July 25th: 4.5 miles w/ 3 pickups in middle of run (group will do 6.5 w/ pickups)
Monday July 27th: 4 miles, 5 striders, strength (same as group)
Saturday August 1st: 5.5 miles (group will do 8)
Monday August 3rd: 4 miles, 5 striders, strength (same as group)
Saturday Aug 8th: 6 miles (group will do 10)
Monday Aug 10th:4 miles, 5 striders, strength (same as group)
Saturday August 15th: 7 miles (group will do 12)
Monday August 17th: 4 miles, 5 striders, strength (same as group)
Saturday August 22nd: 6.5 miles (group will do 11)
Monday August 24th: 3 miles, 5 striders, strength (same as group)
Saturday August 29th: 7.5-8 mile long run. (group will do 13 mile course)
Monday August 31st:4 miles, 5 striders, strength. (same as group)
Saturday Sept 12th: 5 miles (group will do 8). 3x15 second pickups during the run.
Monday Sept 14th: 2 miles (group will do 3)