Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Final Saturday Run + Breakfast


You've put in the miles and training, and now race day is near. For the final Saturday group run, we'll meet at Fort Snelling and then head to the Chatterbox Pub in Highland Park for breakfast. Remember to try all your gear for the race...before race day - clothing, goo/gels, shoes, etc. Nothing new on race day...

Have a great weekend and we'll see you next Saturday!

Saturday, September 12

Time: 8:30AM

Location: Fort Snelling (meet in upper parking lot at intersection of Hwy 5/55 - near historic fort). Free parking in upper lot - no permit required.

- Soft trails and fun loops in the state park around Snelling Lake, Pike Island, and Picnic Island
Distance: 8 miles or 5 miles with 3x15 second pick-ups during the run
Breakfast Fun: Chatterbox Pub - Highland Park location immediately after run
800 Cleveland Ave S, St Paul, MN 55116

Monday, August 24, 2009

Looking for more trail runs?


After the Trail Loppet, you will no doubt want to try more trail runs. Here's a great resource to find them. Also you can find out more about trail runners in Minnesota.

I have run In Yan Teopa (Sep 26) five times and can't wait for this year's race. It's low-key, scenic and has a bit of everything. And you get a nice, beefy mug just for finishing.

I ran Great Pumpkin Chase (Oct 31) once and can recommend it if flatter is more to your liking than hillier.

But, it's opposite Surf the Murph at Murphy-Hanrehan (the hills may be big but at least there's a lot of them) and Nordic Commando at Battle Creek (also hilly but far shorter).


Wednesday, August 19, 2009

8-22-09 (Saturday) at Theodore Wirth

Trail Team:

Saturday's practice will be at Theodore Wirth, not Lebannon Hills. The orienteering guide informed us that there is an orienteering course set up at Theo. Wirth and there is not one at Lebanon Hills. Since this is the weekend he had planned to meet with us, we will meet him at Theo. Wirth. See you at the Beach Parking lot at 8:30.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Saturday schedule through Aug 29

Hope you're all surviving the summer heat! Below is a revised Saturday schedule - with locations & coaches - through August 29th. See you on the trails!

Saturday, August 15th
Hyland Hills, 8:30AM
*downhill ski area overflow parking lot on Chalet Road. Its near the ski jump.
Distance: 12 miles or 7 miles
Coaches: Chris & Nichole

Saturday, August 22nd
Location: Lebanon Hills, 8:30AM with orienteering
*exact meeting place TBA
Distance: 11 miles or 6.5 miles
Coaches: Mary & Richard

Saturday, August 29th
Theodore Wirth Beach, 8:30AM
Distance: 13 miles (run whole course!!) or 7.5-8 mile long run
Coaches: Mary & Richard

Monday, August 10, 2009

Tempo run tonight!

Hey runners - in preparation for our tempo run tonight, I found some helpful hints on If you happen to look at this before practice tonight, think about your personal "tempo" pace. See you on the trails!

The Right Rhythm
To ensure you're doing tempo workouts at the right pace, use one of these four methods to gauge your intensity.
Recent Race: Add 30 to 40 seconds to your current 5-K pace or 15 to 20 seconds to your 10-K pace
Heart Rate: 85 to 90 percent of your maximum heart rate
Perceived Exertion: An 8 on a 1-to-10 scale (a comfortable effort would be a 5; racing would be close to a 10)
Talk Test: A question like "Pace okay?" should be possible, but conversation won't be.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Saturday's Run (8-8-09)

Trail Loppet Runners:

We'll meet at Hyland Park again this weekend (8-8-09) at 8:30. The meeting place will be the downhill ski area overflow parking lot on Chalet Road, near the ski jump. See directions below.

For those of you coming from 494--Exit on E Bush Lake Road. Go South off the exit. There will be about 2 blocks before 84th. Go straight through the light on 84th. E Bush Lake Road turns into Chalet Road on the other side of 84th. The parking lot will be on your right shortly after you cross 84th.

If you're coming South on 100--stay on 100 as it morphs into Normandale Blvd. Turn Right on 84th. You'll drive for approx 1/2 mile to 1 mile on 84th before turning left onto Chalet Road. There's a stop light at the turn.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Cool Breeze

Congratulations to D'Lee who was 5th in her age group at last weekend's Chisago Lakes Marathon and to Jan who ran a personal best in a 5K race!

Great run tonight.

Jennie's crew completed the first night of intervals. Mary's group "enjoyed" a night of rolling hills.

Saturday's group run will be at Hyland Park. Meet at the parking lot adjacent to the Ski jump. The parking lot is the overflow lot for the downhill ski area. It is on the West side of Chalet Road and across Chalet Road from Mr. Normandale Lake.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Interesting Events

Here are a few upcoming events that might be of interest to the group:

The Great MN Race, a race similar to the Amazing Race. Sounds interesting!!

Summer Lecture Series at Finn Sisu:
Wednesday, July 29th 6:00: How to stay healthy, happy and fast with Hilary Patzer, founder of Integrative Health and Training. (

Monday August 3rd 6:00 (yes, it's a practice night, but this may be a pretty good way to spend your evening): How to get the most from your Garmin 405, a Users Group. Learn how to use more of the features of your HR monitor and GPS unit!

Hope you all had a great weekend!
~coach Nichole

Saturday, July 25, 2009

July 25th

Hey everyone! I hope you're all doing well because I saw NONE of you today :( Richard and I were really worried we both went to the wrong place but finally we just concluded that no one came. By the way I'm not shaking my finger while I type this or anything, I just missed you! But it was a beautiful day to run so I hope some of you got out between the random showers. Anyway I can't make it next week but I'll see you folks in a couple weeks. Have a great weekend!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Training Questions? Coaching advice?

Some have expressed interest in how to cater the COLL trail running training around other events (triathalons, other running races, etc). It helps to have that "master" training plan to allow you to achieve all of your training and racing goals. I (along with the other coaches) would be more than happy to answer any training questions you have.

Feel free to either email any of the coaches or to bring up questions to coaches before or after practice. I'd also like to offer the ability to meet with anyone in person at Finn Sisu. Sometimes meeting in person helps -- I think you're able to gather more information and have an interactive conversation. You can just email me directly to set something up: Don't be shy about asking questions or advice! That's what I/the coaches are here for.

Also, if there are any questions that come up after practices or you simply want more information on a topic, please feel free to post on the blog! I or the other coaches will be happy to elaborate on any topic.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Wirth Beach on Saturday

Loppet Trail Team runners--meet at Wirth Beach on Glenwood on Saturday.

See you at Wirth Beach on Monday as scheduled.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Embrace the hills

Great job running the hills on Monday! We ran one of the more challenging sections of the 1/2 marathon course, and still pushed ourselves on the striders. I can feel my quad muscles today. Saturday we're scheduled to run 6.5 miles, so I suggest trying to run 3-5 miles on a trail on Wed or Thurs. Nichole provided us some additional Monday workouts, as well as an adjusted 5K schedule. See below - as always, your feedback is welcome and appreciated.

Good luck to those of you running 5Ks, competing in triathlons, and biking this weekend.
Have a fun run on Saturday and we'll see you at the Wirth Beach House on Monday, July 27th.

Additional Monday options:

Monday July 27th: 1.5 mi warm up, 4x90 seconds hard (preferably some uphill), 3-4 minute recovery after each. Then 1.5 mi cool down.

Monday August 10th: 1 mi warm up. Then 2x8 minutes tempo run on trails. 1 mi cool down. (About 4-5 miles total)

Monday August 24th: 1 mi warm up, 4 x 45 seconds uphill repeats, 6 x 45 downhill repeats (or fewer if this is too much), 1 mi cool down. Emphasis here is learning how to run downhill FAST.

5K group options:

Saturday July 25th: 4.5 miles w/ 3 pickups in middle of run (group will do 6.5 w/ pickups)

Monday July 27th: 4 miles, 5 striders, strength (same as group)

Saturday August 1st: 5.5 miles (group will do 8)

Monday August 3rd: 4 miles, 5 striders, strength (same as group)

Saturday Aug 8th: 6 miles (group will do 10)

Monday Aug 10th:4 miles, 5 striders, strength (same as group)

Saturday August 15th: 7 miles (group will do 12)

Monday August 17th: 4 miles, 5 striders, strength (same as group)

Saturday August 22nd: 6.5 miles (group will do 11)

Monday August 24th: 3 miles, 5 striders, strength (same as group)

Saturday August 29th: 7.5-8 mile long run. (group will do 13 mile course)

Monday August 31st:4 miles, 5 striders, strength. (same as group)

Saturday Sept 12th: 5 miles (group will do 8). 3x15 second pickups during the run.

Monday Sept 14th: 2 miles (group will do 3)

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Monday's run with the turkeys

Great job finishing the second Monday practice. We ran for about 35 minutes at a conversational pace. We headed out on the newly paved Luce Line trail and ran the ski trails by the beach and the back nine holes of the golf course. A highlight was seeing the pair of turkeys on the hill behind the club house.

Mary guided us through some core strength exercises - superman, plank, push-ups, bicycles. Jan led us in stretching.

A question came up - how does trail pace compare to road pace? This depends on the trail/elevation/terrain, and road pace doesn't translate well to trail pace. Some people find that they run between 2-4 minutes per mile slower on trails. For example, if you run 3 miles in 30 minutes on the road, you will want to run 36-42 minutes on a trail to go the same distance. Don't worry if it feels slower on the trail - start slow and listen to your body. While the pace is slower, trail running is great for improving balance, agility, and leg strength.

Next Monday we'll meet at 6:30pm at the Wirth Beach House parking lot on Glenwood Ave. Have fun on Saturday! (Saturday's meeting place is still the golf course club house.)

Coach Jennie

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Great 2nd practice!

What a gorgeous Saturday morning for a run! Today we finished the first of our "longer run" Saturday practices, running between 4-5 miles on the trails at Theo Wirth. Richard led us to the mountain bike/running single track trails, which were a lot of fun. The trail is pretty hard packed, with some fun log jumps and a few rocks and roots thrown in every once in a while.

After the practice we took about 15 minutes to stretch. It's a good idea to do this after your run (recent research shows its counter productive to stretch before a run or race). Stretching, along with strength and training smart, are the three biggest ways you can prevent injuries. I ran the group through my typical stretching routine which included calf stretches, hamstring stretches, butterfly and glut stretches. We as coaches will try to run the group through some sort of stretching routine after each practice (time permitting).

Today's practice was a little longer than most Saturday practices will be. We'll typically start with our "topic of the day" and then we'll let the group amble off on the run. For those that don't want to go the whole distance, they can head back whenever and not have to wait around for everyone to finish.

There was some interest in running other trails around the Twin Cities. I'd like to get the rest of the group's feedback on this: would you be interested in exploring the TC trail system? If so, which trails would you most like to run? If there's interest we'll pick 2-3 different places and try to plan them pretty far in advance so people know about the change in venue. I'm a personal fan of Lebanon Hills and Afton, but Afton you'll need a State Park sticker and it'll probably be pretty far away for some of our runners. Any other suggestiongs? Comment here and let me know what you think!

Lastly, the question came up: do I really need trail shoes? I said at practice that while trail shoes are certainly nice I didn't think they were a necessity (not like skis are to learning to XC ski). However -- I continuted to run a bit after the practice in my road shoes, and my arches were definitely sore. They still are now. I don't ever get that. I'm pretty sure they were reacting to running trails without the support/stiff forefoot of a trail shoe. I just hadn't run the trails w/out trail shoes in a while -- so didn't know how nice they really are! :) So, if you're thinking about buying a pair, I'd recommend it. Again, they aren't necessary, just very nice to have. Runners World says the same thing:

Hope everyone has a GREAT weekend and a fabulous Monday with Coaches Mary and Jenny!
~Coach Nichole

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Afton Trail Run

5 hearty runners for the Finn Sisu trail team (if you wear the jersey, you are on the team!) ran the Afton Trail Run 25k this past July 4th. It was a great time, and thankfully I am able to walk down stairs today! The weather cooperated nicely, being as it was only 65 degrees, and we even got a bit of a drizzle for the last half of the race. If you are not familiar with the Afton Trail Run, it is one of the largest trail races in MN (the race filled up to the maximum 450 runners well before race day), and it is run on the trails at Afton State Park (called one of the countries 50 greatest running trails by Runner's World magazine). The course is - how should I put it - hilly. Check out the course profile for proof (and it is as tough as it looks).It took me (not the most accomplished runner in the world) 2 hours, 11 minutes, and 37 seconds to cover the 15.5 miles. I actually felt pretty good for the first hour, and was still moving well through 11 miles, but I was completely, entirely, walk-up-the-hills-by-pushing-on-my-knees-with-my-hands spent for the last 4.5 miles (that is almost 1/3 of the race, so I may have miscalculated my starting pace...). I did have a great time, and would definately do it again next year. The people were friendly, the course was well marked, and the burgers after the race were fantastic. I think I would skip mowing the lawn the day before the race though, as I found the muscles I use pushing the lawn mower to be the same ones that I use walking up a steep trail. Oops. That and I will get out for more long runs on trails. That will help too. Running on trails is a different animal than running on roads, and one of the trickiest parts of Afton is the steep downhills. Thank goodness for my Vasques. I don't know how people ran in normal running shoes.

The Finn Sisu runners did very well. James finished 5th overall!, Nichole was the 2nd woman overall!, Mark was the 2nd masters runner!, and Kevin and I had fun and looked good doing it :)

Mark, Me, James, Nichole, and Kevin

Saturday Meeting Time

Meet for the Loppet Trail Running Club at 8:30 on Satruday morning. Note--this is a change from the 9:00 start time in the brochure.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Trail Loppet Team - kick off!

Great job on the first day, runners! We successfully ran/walked for 42 minutes, forged our own trail at Theo Wirth (thanks, Mary), and had fun getting to know each other. Below are a few workout suggestions for Tuesday through Friday this week.
  • Tues: 35-50 minutes cross training or trail running/walking
  • Wed: 45 min easy trail run (you should be able to talk to a friend while running)
  • Thurs: same as Tues
  • Fri: rest or walk
The above schedule is just a suggestion. I try to remind myself that getting out and doing something is better than doing nothing - even if I only have 20-30 minutes. Feel free to create and complete workouts that fit into your lifestyle and schedule.

Friends - or anyone who might be interested in the Trail Loppet - are welcome at future practices. A reminder that water and restrooms are available in the chalet, but you may want to carry water with you on the runs. I recommend having some water with you for this Saturday's run.

Questions? Comments? Post to the blog or email us at

Enjoy your Saturday run and we'll see you next Monday!

Monday, May 25, 2009

Trail Team Updates

The Finn Sisu trail team has been out running, and it is about time for an update.

Trail Mix Team Relay, April 18, 2009
5. TEAM SOCKS 3:52:47
James Sorenson (45:33), Brent Magnusson (1:00:06), Luke Twedt (1:02:26), Justin Scanlan (1:04:42)
I don't know if these guys would actually want me to publish these results. Apparently all 4 of them ran different courses, as they each got lost during the race, and only James must have run close to the right course (he ran the fastest time in the race, beating runner-up Matt Liebsch by 24 seconds). We will give them the benifit of the doubt, and chalk this one up as a learning experience.

25k Spring Superior Trail Race, May 16, 2009
1 James Sorenson M 26 1:56:25 First Place Man
2 Brent Magnusson M 25 2:05:54 Second Place Man
Brent and James ventured north for the Superior Trail 25k and came away with a one-two finish. I hear they still got a little lost during the race, but realized they missed their turn in time to back track and stay in the lead. Good racing guys!

Saturday, April 18, 2009

First race in the new singlet

Gave the new singlet a test today at the Earth Day half marathon (unfortunately on the roads, not the trails), but it helped me to a 40 second personal best of 1:28:50. The weather was PERFECT, and my training has been really good lately, so I thought I would go after a fast time today. My splits were: 6:33, 6:39, 6:34, 6:41, 6:43, 6:20, 6:35, 6:49, 6:28, (and here comes the wall...) 7:22, 7:14, 9:04 (for 1.1 miles), 5:44 (last mile big finish). It was a fun race, and I can walk a lot better right now than after last year's race (when I ran 1:32:22). Hopefully a sign of good things to come with my training and racing - I have 2 more half marathons coming up in Fargo and Grandma's.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Singlets are in!

The Finn Sisu Trail Team singlets came in today - just in time for the races this weekend. Watch out for Brent and James at the Trail Mix 25k, and I will be at the Earth Day 1/2 marathon. Hopefully in the future we will have even more runners in these very sharp looking jerseys.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Lebanon Hills

Nichole and I went for a gorgeous 60 minute run on the Lebanon hills trails yesterday. We made the short drive from our house to the Jensen Lake trail head, and from there worked our way out as far as Portage Lake before we made our way back to the start. In all we probably covered between 6 and 7 miles, with probably 2/3 of our time spent on the hiking trails and 1/3 spent on the horseback riding trails. The hiking trails are more winding with firmer footing, but the horse trails are wide enough to run side-by-side and are also a bit less hilly. Both were great for running.

This is a great time of year to be running on trails. It was 50 degrees and sunny (perfect running weather), the trails have pretty much dried out (the only mud was right along Jensen Lake where it is usually muddy - the rest of the trails were in perfect shape except for a couple of fallen trees), and the bugs are not out yet. I would highly recommend Lebanon Hills to anyone looking for trails to run on. They have 20 miles of trails if you count both horse and hiking trails, they are very well marked (although the trails do cross each other a lot - I print out a map and fold it so that it fits in a plastic sandwich bag so I can navigate on the run).

Get out and run!

Friday, April 3, 2009

This marks the start of the Finn Sisu Trail Team. Hopefully you will start seeing our jerseys at local trail races around Minnesota. Finn Sisu has been busy adding trail running shoes and accessories to outfit both skiers who are looking for a great way to train in the summer, and also runners who have discovered that trails are easier on the body and a lot more fun than the roads.