Monday, August 24, 2009

Looking for more trail runs?


After the Trail Loppet, you will no doubt want to try more trail runs. Here's a great resource to find them. Also you can find out more about trail runners in Minnesota.

I have run In Yan Teopa (Sep 26) five times and can't wait for this year's race. It's low-key, scenic and has a bit of everything. And you get a nice, beefy mug just for finishing.

I ran Great Pumpkin Chase (Oct 31) once and can recommend it if flatter is more to your liking than hillier.

But, it's opposite Surf the Murph at Murphy-Hanrehan (the hills may be big but at least there's a lot of them) and Nordic Commando at Battle Creek (also hilly but far shorter).


Wednesday, August 19, 2009

8-22-09 (Saturday) at Theodore Wirth

Trail Team:

Saturday's practice will be at Theodore Wirth, not Lebannon Hills. The orienteering guide informed us that there is an orienteering course set up at Theo. Wirth and there is not one at Lebanon Hills. Since this is the weekend he had planned to meet with us, we will meet him at Theo. Wirth. See you at the Beach Parking lot at 8:30.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Saturday schedule through Aug 29

Hope you're all surviving the summer heat! Below is a revised Saturday schedule - with locations & coaches - through August 29th. See you on the trails!

Saturday, August 15th
Hyland Hills, 8:30AM
*downhill ski area overflow parking lot on Chalet Road. Its near the ski jump.
Distance: 12 miles or 7 miles
Coaches: Chris & Nichole

Saturday, August 22nd
Location: Lebanon Hills, 8:30AM with orienteering
*exact meeting place TBA
Distance: 11 miles or 6.5 miles
Coaches: Mary & Richard

Saturday, August 29th
Theodore Wirth Beach, 8:30AM
Distance: 13 miles (run whole course!!) or 7.5-8 mile long run
Coaches: Mary & Richard

Monday, August 10, 2009

Tempo run tonight!

Hey runners - in preparation for our tempo run tonight, I found some helpful hints on If you happen to look at this before practice tonight, think about your personal "tempo" pace. See you on the trails!

The Right Rhythm
To ensure you're doing tempo workouts at the right pace, use one of these four methods to gauge your intensity.
Recent Race: Add 30 to 40 seconds to your current 5-K pace or 15 to 20 seconds to your 10-K pace
Heart Rate: 85 to 90 percent of your maximum heart rate
Perceived Exertion: An 8 on a 1-to-10 scale (a comfortable effort would be a 5; racing would be close to a 10)
Talk Test: A question like "Pace okay?" should be possible, but conversation won't be.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Saturday's Run (8-8-09)

Trail Loppet Runners:

We'll meet at Hyland Park again this weekend (8-8-09) at 8:30. The meeting place will be the downhill ski area overflow parking lot on Chalet Road, near the ski jump. See directions below.

For those of you coming from 494--Exit on E Bush Lake Road. Go South off the exit. There will be about 2 blocks before 84th. Go straight through the light on 84th. E Bush Lake Road turns into Chalet Road on the other side of 84th. The parking lot will be on your right shortly after you cross 84th.

If you're coming South on 100--stay on 100 as it morphs into Normandale Blvd. Turn Right on 84th. You'll drive for approx 1/2 mile to 1 mile on 84th before turning left onto Chalet Road. There's a stop light at the turn.